• -33%
Boz Scaggs - Greatest Hits Live
Boz Scaggs - Greatest Hits Live
Boz Scaggs - Greatest Hits Live
Boz Scaggs - Greatest Hits Live

Boz Scaggs - Greatest Hits Live

Uit voorraad, 1-3 werkdag(en)! Op is Op!!
€ 33,49 € 49,99 -33%

Taped Live at Great American Music Hall, San Francisco. Speaking of the performance, Scaggs says, “It’s not every night nor just any band that can pull off this song list." From the jazz-tinged “Harbor Lights” to the desperately blue “Loan Me a Dime,” this line-up hits the highs, the lows and everything in between to provide a stunning backdrop to the artist and his most recognized work.

01. - Lowdown
02. - Slowdancer
03. - Heart Of Mine
04. - It All Went Down The Drain
05. - Harbor Lights
06. - Jojo
07. - Ask Me 'Bout Nothin' But The Blues
08. - Breakdown Dead Ahead
09. - Look What You've Done To Me
10. - I Just Go
11. - Georgia
12. - Miss Sun
13. - Lido Shuffle
14. - Runnin' Blue
15. - Loan Me A Dime
16. - We're All Alone

Captured in High Definition video and audio, in surround and stereo mixes, the performances combine cutting edge technology with a stellar band and an essential reading by the musician himself—at home in San Francisco—one night only—Boz Scaggs’ Greatest Hits LIVE!

Boz Scaggs
Taal origineel, Original language, Originalsprache, Langue d'origine, Idioma original
Engels gesproken - English spoken
DVD 9 enkelzijdig, dubbellaags, bij overgang naar tweede laag kan het beeld even stilstaan.
Aantal disc(s):
1 Disc
Dolby Digital 2.0
Dolby Digital 5.1
Dolby Digital 5.1 DTS
Speelduur in min. (plm.):
Als nieuw, dvd waarschijnlijk nooit gebruikt!
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Tussentijdse (actie-dag)prijswijzigingen, invoer-fouten en pakket-formaat (porto), niet meer leverbaar nadrukkelijk voorbehouden!
Product status:
Uit winkelvoorraad, één werkdag! Op is Op!!
2 - Europa, Groenland, Turkey, the Middle East, Egypt, Eswatini, Lesotho, South Africa, Japan, French Guiana
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Slipcase / Slipcover
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